On 05/02/12 21:14, Steve Howell wrote: > I'm looking for a fairly lightweight key/value store that works for > this type of problem: > > ideally plays nice with the Python ecosystem > the data set is static, and written infrequently enough that I > definitely want *read* performance to trump all > there is too much data to keep it all in memory (so no memcache) > users will access keys with fairly uniform, random probability > the key/value pairs are fairly homogenous in nature: > keys are <= 16 chars > values are between 1k and 4k bytes generally > approx 3 million key/value pairs > total amount of data == 6Gb > needs to work on relatively recent versions of FreeBSD and Linux [snip] > I'm looking for something a little lighter than a full-on database > (either SQL or no-SQL), although I'm not completely ruling out any > alternatives yet.
This sounds suspiciously like the standard library's anydbm module[1] which should handle everything you list (though I can't be positive about the 6Gb bit, though I expect it should be fine; I can't find any documentation on the limits). -tkc [1] http://docs.python.org/library/anydbm.html -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list