On 04/30/2012 02:57 AM, Paul Rubin wrote:
someone<newsbo...@gmail.com> writes:
A is not just close to singular: it's singular!
Ok. When do you define it to be singular, btw?
Singular means the determinant is zero, i.e. the rows or columns
are not linearly independent. Let's give names to the three rows:
a = [1 2 3]; b = [11 12 13]; c = [21 22 23].
Then notice that c = 2*b - a. So c is linearly dependent on a and b.
Geometrically this means the three vectors are in the same plane,
so the matrix doesn't have an inverse.
Oh, thak you very much for a good explanation.
Which is the most accurate/best, even for such a bad matrix?
What are you trying to do? If you are trying to calculate stuff
with matrices, you really should know some basic linear algebra.
Actually I know some... I just didn't think so much about, before
writing the question this as I should, I know theres also something like
singular value decomposition that I think can help solve otherwise
illposed problems, although I'm not an expert like others in this forum,
I know for sure :-)