On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Jason Earl <je...@notengoamigos.org> wrote:
> It is considerably worse than that.  If you look at what the
> documentation for apt-get actually says, instead of just the badly
> mangled version that Xah shares you would realize that the post was
> basically a bald-face troll.

Not only that, but a completely off-topic one... like a lot of his
trolls. What has 'man apt-get' to do with Python? For all I know, the
package may be written in Python, or the man page could be generated
on-the-fly by a Python script, but unless you say how it's relevant to
python-list/c.l.p, it's not obvious. Now, if that were 'man python'
that he's criticizing, then sure. But it's not.


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