On 29Apr2012 11:42, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
| On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 10:45 AM, kenk <marcin.maksym...@googlemail.com> 
| > I've got a server process written in C++ running on Unix machine.
| > On the same box I'd like to run multiple Python scripts that will
| > communicate with this server.
| >
| > Can you please suggest what would be best was to achieve this ?
| Personally, I would recommend a TCP socket, because that allows the
| flexibility of splitting across multiple computers.

And the pain of ensuring security, if you're in an open network.

| But for
| efficiency, you may want to consider a Unix socket too.

A UNIX socket or even a named pipe has the benefit of:
  - not being available remotely
  - access control with normal UNIX permissions
and of course efficiency as you say.

Generalising to a TCP socket later shouldn't be too hard if the need

Cameron Simpson <c...@zip.com.au> DoD#743

Waiting for the bus is a bad idea if you turn out to be the bus driver.
- Michael M. Butler on the Singularity

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