We have classes of this form classA version1, classA version2, classA
version3 .. etc. This is same class that has been modified. Each
"modification" creates a new version of a class. Each object has a version
attribute which refers to the version of the class from which it was
derived. egObjectA.version =1 # means it was derived from ClassA version1

Here is my problem. During object de-serializing, i would like to use the
specific version of the class that was used to used to make the object. For
example, if i am de-serializing object ObjectA withversion=3 then ClassA
version 3 should be used. Source code for all the different variations of
the classes is stored.

This looks getting the object first the get the class. Any idea on how to
approach this?

*Mob UG: +256 (0) 70 1735800 | NL +31 (0) 6 852 841 38 | Gtalk: jmwebaze |
skype: mwebazej | URL: www.astro.rug.nl/~jmwebaze

/* Life runs on code */*

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