"someone" <wesbr...@gmail.com> wrote in message

Thanks Bart for trying, it helped me out a little more by showing me a
little more than I knew, but I tried and I am not sure if it does fit my
example due to it was too many stars in between the lines, and not match
up, but if you see any more help, that would be great, or see something I
am doing wrong, or figure something out, let me know, have a great day,
again, thanks

Here's the example you posted:

*                     *
* First Name and Last *
* ENGR 109-X          *
* Fall 2999           *
* Format Example      *
*                     *

And here's the output from both bits of code I posted, which has 'one inch' of white space all around; both examples must be viewed with a fixed-pitch font (or in 'code' mode):

         *                     *
         * First Name and Last *
         * ENGR 109-X          *
         * Fall 2999           *
         * Format Example      *
         *                     *

Please post the output you're getting that has too many asterisks.



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