Searched the web and this forum without satisfaction.  Using Python 2.7 and 
pyODBC on Windows XP I can get the code below to run and generate two cursors 
from two different databases without problems.  Ideally, I'd then like to join 
these result cursors thusly:

SELECT a.state, sum(b.Sales) FROM cust_curs a INNER JOIN fin_curs b ON 
a.Cust_id = b.Cust_id GROUP BY a.state

Is there a way to join cursors using SQL statements in python or pyODBC?  Would 
I need to store these cursors in a common DB (SQLite3?) to accomplish this?  Is 
there a pure python data handling approach that would generate this summary 
from these two cursors?

Thanks for your consideration.

Working code:

import pyodbc

# DB2 Financial Data Cursor
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=DB2_Fin;UID=;PWD=')
fin_curs = cnxn.cursor()

fin_curs.execute("""SELECT Cust_id, sum(Sales) as Sales 
                        FROM Finance.Sales_Tbl 
                        GROUP BY Cust_id""")

# Oracle Customer Data Cursor
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DSN=Ora_Cust;UID=;PWD=')
cust_curs = cnxn.cursor()

cust_curs.execute("""SELECT Distinct Cust_id, gender, address, state  
                        FROM Customers.Cust_Data""")


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