On 04/16/2012 01:11 AM, Lee Chaplin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to sort, in place, by column, a csv file AND sort it case
> insensitive.
> I was trying something like this, with no success:

Could you perhaps qualify that "no success" bit?  Do you mean it didn't
output a file, or that the file wasn't sorted right, or that the data
wasn't in the file at all, or that you got an exception, or that you got
a syntax error, or that your disk filled up, or what?  Please paste the
results of running it, along with a brief description of why that was
not a success.

It might also be useful to state your working environment, like you're
running 32 bit CPython version 1.7 on Windows 2009, or whatever.  in
this case, I don't think it matters, but somebody else may know differently.

> import csv
> import operator
> def sortcsvbyfield(csvfilename, columnnumber):
>   with open(csvfilename, 'rb') as f:
>     readit = csv.reader(f)
>     thedata = list(readit)
>   thedata = sorted(thedata, key = lambda x:
> (operator.itemgetter(columnnumber) ,x[0].lower()))  #!!!
>   with open(csvfilename, 'wb') as f:
>     writeit = csv.writer(f)
>     writeit.writerows(thedata)
> The line marked is the culprit.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Lee




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