Thanks ChrisA a lot.

I just tried what you said, but I got an error, here's what I tried :
item['name'] ='//div[@id="center-main"]/h1/text()').extract()[0]
author_brand = re.match(r'^[.*] - (.*)$', item['name'], re.I|re.S|re.M)
item['author_brand'] = if type(author_brand) != None
else ''

And I'm getting the following error :
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

Thanks again :)

On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 12:35 AM, Zero Piraeus <> wrote:

> :
> > 1. How can I write the following code in easier way in Python ?
> > if len(item['description']) > 0:
> >             item['description'] = item['description'][0]
> >         else:
> >             item['description'] = ''
> Assuming item['description'] is a string, all you need is
> >>> item['description'] = item['description'][:1]
> Read up on string/sequence slicing if it isn't clear why that works.
> > 2. How can I check if this variable defined or not, in PHP I can use
> > isset();, in other way, how can I make the following syntax in Python ?
> > $variable = isset($array['element']) ? true : false;
> For that example:
> >>> variable = 'element' in array
> In both cases, a more general solution would be more complex ... note
> that in your second question, you're not actually testing whether a
> variable is set, but whether a dict has a value for a particular key.
>  -[]z.

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