〈Emacs Lisp vs Perl: Validate Local File Links〉 http://xahlee.org/emacs/elisp_vs_perl_validate_links.html
a comparison of 2 scripts. lots code, so i won't paste plain text version here. i have some comments at the bottom. Excerpt: ------------------ «One thing interesting is to compare the approaches in perl and emacs lisp.» «For our case, regex is not powerful enough to deal with the problem by itself, due to the nested nature of html. This is why, in my perl code, i split the file by < into segments first, then, use regex to deal with now the non-nested segment. This will break if you have <a title="x < href=z" href="math.html">math</a>. This cannot be worked around unless you really start to write a real parser.» «The elisp here is more powerful, not because of any lisp features, but because emacs's buffer datatype. You can think of it as a glorified string datatype, that you can move a cursor back and forth, or use regex to search forward or backward, or save cursor positions (index) and grab parts of text for further analysis.» ------------------ If you are a perl coder, and disagree, let me know your opinion. (showing working code is very welcome) My comment about perl there applies to python too. (python code welcome too.) Xah -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list