Hi Michael,

Thanks again for your reply. I've tried using SMTP with TLS. And again it works 
with the VPN turned on but it still won't work with the VPN turned off. For 
some reason I don't understand, it simply won't instantiate the 
SMTP/SMTP_SSL/IMAP4/IMAP4_SSL objects at all and will hang forever if the VPN 
is turned off.

I'm really at loss there :)


On Apr 2, 2012, at 6:57 PM, Michael Hrivnak wrote:

> Your phone may be using TLS on the normal IMAP port (143).  Or, are
> you sure your phone is using IMAP and not active sync?
> Michael
> On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 6:25 PM, Julien <jpha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Michael,
>> Thanks for your reply. I did try port 993. I know that port generally
>> works for me, as I can access the Gmail IMAP/SMTP server using SSL. It
>> also works for that other Exchange server but only when the VPN is
>> turned on.
>> Somehow my iPhone works fine without a VPN, as long as it uses SSL. So
>> I'm really unsure why I can't achieve the same thing from my laptop
>> using imaplib.IMAP4_SSL() without the VPN turned on.
>> Thank you,
>> Julien
>> On Apr 2, 3:10 pm, Michael Hrivnak <mhriv...@hrivnak.org> wrote:
>>> That method uses the default port 993.  Can you connect to that port
>>> at all from your computer?  For example, try using a telnet client.
>>> Michael
>>> On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 1:39 AM, Julien <jpha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm able to connect to an Exchange server via SMTP and IMAP from my
>>>> iPhone using SSL and without using a VPN. So I would expect to be able
>>>> to do the same from my computer using Python.
>>>> However, the following hangs and times out on my computer when I'm not
>>>> connected to the VPN:
>>>>>>> import imaplib
>>>>>>> imap = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("my.server.address")
>>>> If I am connected to the VPN, then it works fine.
>>>> Do you know why it won't work with SSL and without the VPN? Am I
>>>> missing something?
>>>> Thanks a lot,
>>>> Julien
>>>> --
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