Rainer Weikusat <rweiku...@mssgmbh.com> writes:
> Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz <spamt...@library.lspace.org.invalid> writes:
> [...]
>>>For one thing, if s is a non-empty null terminated string then,
>>>cdr(s) is also a string representing the rest of that string 
>>>without the first character,
>> Are you really too clueless to differentiate between C and LISP?
> In LISP, a list is a set of conses (pairs) whose car (first element of
> the pair) contains a value and whose cdr (second element of the pair)
> links to the next cons that's part of the list. The end of a list is
> marked by a cdr whose value is nil.

Addition: This can also be implemented very neatly in Perl by using
two element array references as 'cons cells', toy example

sub car
    return $_[0][0];

sub cdr
    return $_[0][1];

sub list
    @_ && [shift, &list];

$l = list(0 .. 100);
while ($l) {
    print(car($l), ' ');
    $l = cdr($l);

and for algorithms which are well-suited for linked lists, this can
even outperform (when suitably implemented) an equivalent algorithm
using arrays.

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