On Apr 6, 7:57 am, buns...@gmail.com wrote:

> I've heard that the Pexpect module works wonders, but the problem is that 
> relies on pty which is available in Unix only. Additionally, because I want 
> this script to be usable by others, any solution should be in the standard 
> library, which means I'd have to copy the Pexpect code into my script to use 
> it.
> Is there any such solution in the Python 3 Standard Library, and if not, how 
> much of a thorn is this?
> "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it."
> Unfortunately, this is one case where the above is true for Perl but not 
> Python. Such an example in Perl is
> open(PROG, "command |") or die "Couldn't start prog!";
>         while (<PROG>) {
>                  print "$_"; }
> (Note that I do not know Perl and do not have any intentions to learn it; the 
> above comes from the script I was previously copying and extending, but I 
> imagine (due to its simplicity) that it's a common Perl idiom. Note however, 
> that the above does fail if the program re-prints output to the same line, as 
> many long-running C programs do. Preferably this would also be caught in a 
> Python solution.)
> If there is a general consensus that this is a problem for lots of people, I 
> might consider writing a PEP.
> Of course, my highest priority is solving the blasted problem, which is 
> holding up my script at the moment. (I can work around this by redirecting 
> the program to a tmp file and reading that, but that would be such a perilous 
> and ugly kludge that I would like to avoid it if at all possible.)

Try the sarge package [1], with documentation at [2] and source code
at [3]. It's intended for your use case, works with both Python 2.x
and 3.x, and is tested on Linux, OS X and Windows. Disclosure: I'm the


Vinay Sajip

[1] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/sarge/0.1
[2] http://sarge.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
[3] https://bitbucket.org/vinay.sajip/sarge/

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