I am trying to read a file online, and was just testing a bit. This is what I tried.
-------------------------------------- import sys, httplib showlines = 6 try: servername, filename = sys.argv[1:] # cmdline args? except: servername, filename = 'noteme.com', '/index.php' print servername, filename server = httplib.HTTP(servername) # connect to httpsite/server server.putrequest('GET', filename) # send request andheaders server.putheader('Accept', 'text/html') # POST requests workhere too server.endheaders() # as do cgi script file names errcode, errmsh, replyheader = server.getreply() # read reply info headers if errcode != 200: # 200 means success print 'Error sending request', errcode print 'Message', errmsh print 'RepHeader', replyheader else: file = server.getfile() # file obj for data received data = file.readlines() file.close() # show lines with eolnat end for line in data[:showlines]: print line, # to save, write datato file ----------------------------- There is a server called noteme.com and a file called index.php on it, but why doesn't it work. If I changed it to 'vbforums.com' and 'index.php' then it worked. What is the difference? Anyone have a qlue?'' Thanks in advance - ии - -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list