On Monday, 26 March 2012 21:24:35 UTC-7, Ben Finney  wrote:
> Roy Smith <r...@panix.com> writes:
> > In article <878vimhfdp....@benfinney.id.au>,
> >  Ben Finney <ben+pyt...@benfinney.id.au> wrote:
> > > So, if I want to be free to choose an identity provider I trust, and
> > > it's not Facebook or Google or Twitter or other privacy-hostile
> > > services, how does OAuth help me do that?
> >
> > It doesn't.  Well, in theory, it could, but in practice everybody's 
> > OAuth implementation is different enough that they don't interoperate.
> Thanks. So OAuth is a pseudo-standard that is implemented incompatibly
> to the extent that it doesn't actually give users the freedom to migrate
> their existing data and identity at will to any other OAuth implementor?
> -- 
>  \         “Money is always to be found when men are to be sent to the |
>   `\   frontiers to be destroyed: when the object is to preserve them, |
> _o__)     it is no longer so.” —Voltaire, _Dictionnaire Philosophique_ |
> Ben Finney
OAuth 2.0 is the emerging standard (now passed on to IETF) to deal with 
providing access to protected resources. OpenID is a standard used to deal with 
authentication. While there is some overlap (OAuth can be used for 
authentication as well), the goals of the two protocols are different.

OAuth 2.0 is still in draft status (draft 25 is the current one I believe) and 
yes, unfortunately every single server available at this point have varying 
degrees of separation from the actual spec. It's not a pseudo-standard, it's 
just not observed to the letter. Google is the closest and Facebook seems to be 
the farthest away (Stack Exchange is in close second due to building theirs to 
work like Facebook's). That was pretty much how this work was born. I wanted to 
be able to implement authentication and resource access over multiple providers 
with a single code base.

So, in answer to your questions:

1) If you're only looking for a solution to authentication, OAuth is no better 
than OpenID. Having said that, with the apparent popularity of OAuth 2.0, more 
providers may support OAuth than will OpenID (however, that's just my 

2) OAuth is all about centralized services in that it is how providers allow 
access to protected resources. Whether it's a social network or SaaS (such as 
Harvest: http://www.getharvest.com/), if there isn't exposure to protected 
resources, then OAuth becomes pointless.

3) If you're looking to implement OAuth authentication with a provider that you 
trust, grab the sanction source, implement said provider and send a pull 
request ;)

4) Data migration doesn't happen with OAuth. As the intent is to allow access 
to protected resources, migrating Google to say, Facebook just wouldn't happen 

Hope that makes sense and answers your questions.
- Demian

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