On 3/26/2012 12:59 AM, Mensanator wrote:
OK, GMPY is now called GMPY2. No big deal, I can import as GMPY.
But why were scan0 and scan1 changed to bit_scan0 and bit_scan1?
Guess: Either the functions changed or they want to regularize their names.
What's the justification for that? I use those functions extensively
in my library of Collatz utilities and I had to re-edit them for no
obvious reason.
If GMPY is coded in Python with a C? backup, GMPY.scan0 = GMPY.bit_scan0
should work.
Or you could write a GMPY.py wrapper for GMPY2
from GMPY2 import *
<any other compatibility hacks>
and leave your user code alone.
Terry Jan Reedy