On 20/03/2012 12:51 PM, Fabric Paul wrote:
Hi everyone - just letting you know that we released v1.0 of Fabric
Engine today. We've open-sourced the core under AGPL, so I hope that
gives you an incentive to get started with high-performance for
Python :)

http://fabricengine.com/technology/benchmarks/ - to give you an idea
of the kind of performance possible. Most of these are with node, but
the core engine is the same - we just bound it to Python.

For those of you using Python on the desktop (particularly if you're
working with 3D), we've started a closed beta on a PyQt framework -
you can see more here: 
- email b...@fabricengine.com if you'd like to take part in the
testing program.

Thanks for your time,


It seems that sing;e dimension arrays are used in KL. How does this compare with Numpy?

Colin W.

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