[Guy Lateur]
| Sent: 14 June 2005 11:02
| To: python-list@python.org
| Subject: Re: Where is Word?
| Unfortunately, I need to open/edit a (temporary) text file 
| with Word, and 
| those are opened by default with UltraEdit (or Notepad or..). 
| Thanks for the 
| tip, though.
| Anything else? Do I need to read the registry?
| g

OK, a slightly more intelligent idea in place of my previous
one. You can use win32api.ShellExecute (from the pywin32 extensions)
which is like a beefed-up os.startfile. In particular, it allows
you to pass parameters to the command. So...

import win32api
win32api.ShellExecute (
  0, # hwnd
  "open", # action; could be "print" etc.
  "winword.exe", # application
  "c:/temp/temp.txt", #params
  ".", # working directory
  1 # show/don't show


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