Dieter Maurer wrote:
> You just found out that this is not the case.

thanks I suppose I was being a moron.

> The warning attached to "communicate"s docstring might have
> you averted: "Note: the data read is buffered in memory...
> do not use for large size".
> If subprocess would do what you expect, it would need to
> buffer the output (to make room in the pipes again).
> But, for large data, this could have dramatic consequences.
> Thus, you should use "select" on the pipes to find out
> when to read data.

Unfortunately select isn't an option for windows (I think that's only for 
sockets). I guess I need to read repeatedly from the stdout etc to get the 
output. Clearly the poll call can't return a status until we've finished

> Dieter

Robin Becker


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