Benjamin Peterson <> writes:

> Ben Finney <ben+python <at>> writes:
> > 
> > Putting “RELEASED” in the subject, when they're not released and are
> > instead *candidates for* release, is confusing and muddies the issue of
> > what you even mean by “release”.
> > 
> {alpha, beta, release candidate, final} \subsetof releases

So you've chosen to muddy what is meant by “release” in announcements to
the public. That's disappointing, but thank you for acknowledging it.

I appreciate the work that goes toward releases of Python, but I do wish
you'd use clear terminology in announcements.

 \         “If history and science have taught us anything, it is that |
  `\     passion and desire are not the same as truth.” —E. O. Wilson, |
_o__)                                              _Consilience_, 1998 |
Ben Finney

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