On 16 fév, 01:18, Daniel Fetchinson <fetchin...@googlemail.com> wrote: > Hi folks, often times in science one expresses a value (say > 1.03789291) and its error (say 0.00089) in a short way by parentheses > like so: 1.0379(9) >
Before swallowing any Python solution, you should realize, the values (value, error) you are using are a non sense : 1.03789291 +/- 0.00089 You express "more precision" in the value than in the error. --- As ex, in a 1.234(5) notation, the "()" is usually used to indicate the accuracy of the digit in "()". Eg 1.345(7) Typographically, the "()" is sometimes replaced by a bold digit ou a subscripted digit. jmf -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list