Tom Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> The MAtrix had evarything in it: guns, a juimping off teh walls,
> flying guns, a bullet tiem, evil computar machenes, numbers that
> flew, flying gun bullets in slowar motian, juimping into a gun, dead
> police men, computar hackeing, Kevin Mitnick, oven trailers, a old
> womans kitchen, stairs, mature women in clotheing, head spark plugs,
> mechaanical squids, Japaneseses assasins, tiem traval, volcanos, 
> a monstar, slow time at fastar speed, magic, wizzards, some dirty
> place, Kung Few, fighting, a lot of mess explodsians EVARYWHERE, 
> and just about anything else yuo can names!

...with greetings to Carnivore ;)

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