On 7 February 2012 22:57, Dennis Lee Bieber <wlfr...@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 7 Feb 2012 21:37:20 +0000, Arnaud Delobelle <arno...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>Your list is flat so the unpacking fails.  For it to work, you need
>>your list to be of the form:
>>    wordFreq2 = [('with', 3), ('which', 1), ('were', 2), ('well', 1)]
>>Then it will work.  The quickest way to transform your list to the
>>required form is something like this:
>        Well... From my viewpoint, the quickest way is to load the list
> correctly in the first place... Where does this list come from? If it's
> a file of

Of course, but how much guessing can you do in a reply?  The OP
provided a Python list, that's what I used.


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