the following code (in the main thread) works well, I grep some files and the search until the first 100 results are found (writing the results to a file), then exit:
command = 'grep -F "%s" %s*.txt' % (search_string, DATA_PATH) p = Popen(['/bin/bash', '-c', command], stdout = PIPE) f = open(output_file, 'w+') num_lines = MAX_RESULTS while True: line = p.stdout.readline() print num_lines if line != '': f.write(line) num_lines = num_lines - 1 if num_lines == 0: break else: break The very same code used into a Process subclass, always returns grep: writing output: Broken pipe in the console: class Search(Process): def __init__(self, search_id, search_string): self.search_id = search_id self.search_string = search_string self.grepped = '' Process.__init__(self) def run(self): output_file = TMP_PATH + self.search_id # flag if no regex chars flag = '-F' if re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z0\ ]*$", self.search_string) else '-P' command = 'grep %s "%s" %s*.txt' % (flag, self.search_string, DATA_PATH) p = Popen(['/bin/bash', '-c', command], stdout = PIPE) f = open(output_file, 'w+') num_lines = MAX_RESULTS while True: line = p.stdout.readline() print num_lines if line != '': f.write(line) num_lines = num_lines - 1 if num_lines == 0: break else: break How come? How to fix this? Thanks --