Hi, I have the followin situation.
1) I've a machine controled by a computer programn that can comunicate with TCP/IP ("server")to recive the request of other program to knwo what the machine should do. 2) The other program ("client") has a GUI (with wxPython), recives data from the machine and should process it (draw and write to file). In the current situation the comunication is done in a thread. Every time data is collected it is pased to the main thread of the GUI, with a wxPostEvent. Every stream_socketk sended by the client has its correspondig answer from the server. (I log the comunication an every received socket is the anser of the sended one) The problem: when i stop the thread (i don't no why) the answer to the last socket don't correspond to the last sended (they mix). The possible correction? I have been told not to do network connection in other thread, instead i should use asyncore. I'll be sending sockets every 0.1 seconds or faster. Will be the main progam "freeze" in the asyncore loop, or it will refresh the windows and response to mouse/keyboard properly? How fast can i be sending sockets without distourbing the main program; or (it is very likeyly) i am totaly wrong and i should take another way? Thanks in advance Zunbeltz -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list