On 25/01/2012 17:26, bvdp wrote:
<cut explanation of bikeshed argument, where do I put the darn things>
Well once you think about distributing, here is the guide line I use:
- If it is meant as a library that can be 'imported' in python:
> site-packages is the place to be, some linux distros are rather
creative with them so be careful.
- If it is a 'stand-alone' application that just happens to use the
python interpreter as a dependency:
> /usr/local/bin for the executable script and /usr/local/lib for the
program module(s) itself, of course this is platform dependent, consult
posix first and then distribution/os specific preferences.
- If the additional (binary) data is static in nature:
> /usr/local/share is the right place (or whichever preference the
distribution/os has)
- If the additional (binary) data is dynamic in nature (like databases)
and the program is run as a daemon:
> /usr/local/, /var/ or /opt/
- If the additional (binary) data is dynamic and it is run per user:
> $HOME/.[application name]/ (the famous dot files in your home folder).
All that is unix like of course, Windows tend to put it all in the
application folder in the Program Files folder, and user specific data
in the profiles Application Data.
Of course opinions vary so I can only say this is what I usually follow,
with the wisdom bestowed upon me by unix admins that where much more
experience then I ever will be and always had a fit when I didn't put it
in the right directory.