"Mike Meyer" wrote:

> Andrea Griffini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Sat, 11 Jun 2005 21:52:57 -0400, Peter Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > Also concrete->abstract shows a clear path; starting
> > in the middle and looking both up (to higher
> > abstractions) and down (to the implementation
> > details) is IMO much more confusing.
> So you're arguing that a CS major should start by learning electronics
> fundamentals, how gates work, and how to design hardware(*)? Because
> that's what the concrete level *really* is. Start anywhere above that,
> and you wind up needing to look both ways.

This may sound as a rhetorical question, but in fact as an Informatics
undergrad I had to take courses in electronics, logic design, signals
and systems and other obscure courses as far CS is concerned
(http://www2.di.uoa.gr/en/lessons.php). Although these are certainly
useful if one is interested in hardware, architecture, realtime and
embedded systems, etc., I hardly find them relevant (or even more,
necessary) for most CS/IT careers. Separation of concerns works pretty
well for most practical purposes.



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