On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 11:03 PM, Bryan
<bryanjugglercryptograp...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Chris Angelico wrote:
>> Suggestion: Create a subclass of dict, the SecureDict or something,
>> ... there's no point adding extra load to every
>> name lookup just because of a security issue in an extremely narrow
>> situation.
> That seemingly "extremely narrow situation" turns out to be wide as
> Montana. Maybe Siberia. Does your program take input? Does it accept a
> format that could possibly be downloaded from a malicious site on the
> Internet? Does your market include users who occasionally make
> mistakes? If not, enjoy your utter irrelevance. If so,
> congratulations: you write Internet software.

Yes, but in that "Internet software", there will only be a small
number of dictionaries that an attacker can stuff with keys (GET/POST
data, headers, cookies, etc, and anything derived therefrom); compare
the huge number of dictionaries that exist elsewhere in your Python
program. Adding load to dictionaries will add load to a huge number of
lookups that can never come under attack.

However, since posting that I've read the entire thread on the
python-dev archive. (It is, I might mention, a LOT of text.) A number
of suggestions and arguments are put forth, including a subclassing
notion similar to my postulation, and the same point is raised: that
app/framework developers won't secure their apps. Other options are
also offered (personally, I'm liking the one where an exception is
raised if something collides with too many keys - current suggestion
1000, although it could possibly work well with something that scales
with the dictionary size), and I'm sure that something will be done
that's a lot smarter than one quick idea spun off in response to a
separate query. So, I retract this idea :)


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