On 13/01/2012 20:16, Νικόλαος Κούρας wrote:
On 13 Ιαν, 21:35, MRAB<pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com>  wrote:
 On 13/01/2012 17:02, Íéêüëáïò Êïýñáò wrote:

 >  # get some enviromental values
 >  form = cgi.FieldStorage()
 >  mail = form.getvalue('mail') or ''
 >  comment = form.getvalue('comment') or ''

 >      # insert guest comments into database if form was submitted
 >      if '@' in mail and comment not in ("ÑùôÞóôå ìå ó÷åôéêÜ..."):


 Do you really want to look for the comment in that string instead of
 looking for that string in the comment?

What do you mean?

I just want to check that the user hasnt pressed the submit button
leaving the default values with the input comment box.

Iam not sure what you mean.

In the first part of the condition you're asking:

    '@' in mail

which is OK, but in the second part of the condition you're asking:

    comment not in ("Ρωτήστε με σχετικά...")

which I think should be:

    "Ρωτήστε με σχετικά..." not in comment

Incidentally, it looks to me like you're using Python 2, in which case
it's probably a good idea to use Unicode, so that would be:

    u"Ρωτήστε με σχετικά..." not in comment

and so forth.

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