On Wed, 11 Jan 2012 05:54:29 -0800, mike wrote:

> I did some more digging and found that our class imports a "yacc.py"
> that uses
> import re, types, sys, cStringIO, hashlib, os.path
> so it has hashlib.
> yacc.py seems to be an old version 1.3 ( I found 2.3 -->).
> Reading about hashlib it seems to be dependent on os installation of
> OpenSSL but I cannot find out how.

It shouldn't be. It will use OpenSSL if available, otherwise it will fall 
back on its own code.

> br,
> //mike
> yacc.py
> ===============
> # ply: yacc.py
[snip over TWO THOUSAND lines of code]

Mike, what lead you to believe that an error in hashlib could be solved 
by posting the ENTIRE two thousand lines of yacc.py? Please do not post 
such huge chunks of code unless asked. It is unnecessary and annoying.

Try this. Open a terminal window and enter "python" at the prompt to 
start a clean interactive session. Then enter the following commands:

import sys
import hashlib
import _md5

and copy and paste (do not retype) the full output of these commands.

Thank you.


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