Here's the belated Java solution. import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.lang.Math;
class math { public static List range(double n) { return range(1,n,1); } public static List range(double n, double m) { return range(n,m,1); } public static List range(double iMin, double iMax, double iStep) { List ll = new ArrayList(); if (iMin <= iMax && iStep > 0) { for (int i=0; i <= Math.floor((iMax-iMin)/iStep); i++) { ll.add(new Double(iMin+i*iStep)); } return ll; } if (iMin >= iMax && iStep < 0) { for (int i=0; i <= Math.floor((iMin-iMax)/-iStep); i++) { ll.add(new Double(iMin+i*iStep)); } return ll; } // need to raise exception here return ll; } } class Range { public static void main(String[] arg) { System.out.println(math.range(5)); System.out.println(math.range(5,10)); System.out.println(math.range(5,7, 0.3)); System.out.println(math.range(5,-4, -2)); } } Perl & Python versions archived here: Xah [EMAIL PROTECTED] ∑ Dear functional programers, i run services called a-python-a-day and a-java-a-day, where each day i give a tip or snippet of code in these languages, also as a way for me to learn these languages. I've been running this perl-python a-day mailing list for several months, and have accumulated a sizable tutorial here: In the coming days, i'll be starting to translate a complete set of tree processing functions. These functions, always takes a tree as input (arbitrary nested list) and always returns a list of a definite structure. Together, they form a particular functional programing paradigm. See this page for the complete documentation as it exists now: ica_dir/Matica.html As usuall, each day we will be spending about 20 minutes enjoying these little exercises. If past experience is a good indication, then i presume that in a month or two we will have built a complete set of functions that manipulates tress, in languages Python and Java and Perl. (the Perl set is already written) I'm always interested in LISP and Haskell languages, but never seriously learned them. I'm hoping that you functional programers in these languages or learners, join me in these 15 minutes daily exercises as a fun routine to learn languages or functional programing. I'm in particular very interested in the daily discussions of these topics by functional programers, as well seeing such set of complete code in scsh and Haskell. (Common Lisp or other functional languages are always welcome of course) Xah [EMAIL PROTECTED] ∑ --