On Jan 9, 12:02 am, Dave Angel <d...@davea.name> wrote:
> On 01/08/2012 11:39 AM, Yigit Turgut wrote:
> > screen = pygame.display.set_mode((0, 0), pygame.FULLSCREEN)
> > timer = pygame.time.Clock()
> > white = True
> > start = time.time()
> > end = time.time() - start
> > end2= time.time() - start
> > def test1():
> >    global end
> >    global white
> >    while(end<5):
> >      end = time.time() - start
> >      timer.tick(4) #FPS
> >      screen.fill((255,255,255) if white else (0, 0, 0))
> >      white = not white
> >      pygame.display.update()
> > def test2():
> >    global end2
> >    while(end2<5):
> >      end2 = time.time() - start
> >      print end2
> > ppservers = ()
> > job_server = pp.Server(ppservers=ppservers)
> > job1 = job_server.submit(test1, (), globals=globals())
> > job2 = job_server.submit(test2, (), globals=globals())
> > result = job1()
> > result2 = job2()
> > print  result2
> > job_server.print_stats()
> > This *supposed to* print values of 'end' and simultaneously execute
> > test1. Eventhough I set globals parameter and nothing seems to be
> > wrong this code generates the following traceback ;
> > Starting pp with 2 workers
> > An error has occured during the function execution
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >    File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ppworker.py", line 90, in run
> >      __result = __f(*__args)
> >    File "<string>", line 4, in test1
> > NameError: global name 'end' is not defined
> > An error has occured during the function execution
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >    File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ppworker.py", line 90, in run
> >      __result = __f(*__args)
> >    File "<string>", line 3, in test2
> > NameError: global name 'end2' is not defined
> > How can this be, what am I missing ?
> I don't see anything on thehttp://www.parallelpython.com
> <http://www.parallelpython.com/> website that indicates how it handles
> globals.  Remember this is creating a separate process, so it can't
> literally share the globals you have.  i would have expected it to
> pickle them when you say globals=globals(), but I dunno. In any case, I
> can't see any value in making end global with the "global" statement.
> I'd move the end= line inside the function, and forget about making it
> global.

globals=globals() works but not for each variable (lol). Some of them
gets recognized and some don't for some reason I couldn't figure out
yet. But that's the main scheme.
> The other thing you don't supply is a list of functions that might be
> called by your function.  See the depfuncs argument.  It probably
> handles all the system libraries, but I can't see how it'd be expected
> to handle pygame.

depfuncs passes the dependent functions that will/might be used at the
execution phase of the called function. PP doesn't require to set
modules for basic I/O,sys etc. Only 3rd party ones like numpy, scipy
and so on.
> With the limited information supplied by the website, I'd experiment
> first with simpler things.  Make two functions that are self-contained,
> and try them first.  No global statements, and no calls to pygame.
> After that much worked, then I'd try adding arguments, and then return
> values.

That's what I did. After investigating similar approaches to achieve
the task, I unconsciously developed an idea that 'this is not going to
be easy' and approached with that perception. Now I realize that it's
much more simple than I thought. The work it does is complex but it
requires very little effort to operate functionally.

> Then i'd try calling separate functions (declaring them in depfuncs).
> And finally I'd try some 3rd party library.

Don't think will try another package for the same task. I am now
moving on to PP + PyCUDA to harness GPU available CPU cores.

Thank you for the guidance.

On Jan 9, 2:02 am, David Hoese <dho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1/8/12 1:45 PM, Yigit Turgut <y.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > There are no imports other than defined on the script, which are;
> > import pygame
> > import sys
> > import time
> > import math
> > import pp
> > You are correct about  trying to pass two functions and second one is
> > in place where a tuple of arguments supposed to be. But what if these
> > functions don't have any arguments ? I tested functions test1() and
> > test2() seperately ; they work. Once I figure out how to run these
> > functions simultaneously, I will add an argument to test2 and try then
> > on. My main goal is to simultaneously run two functions, one of them
> > has one argument the other doesn't. To get familiar with parallel
> > processing I am experimenting now without arguments and then I will
> > embed the code to my application. I am experimenting with the
> > following ;
> > import pygame
> > import sys
> > import time
> > import math
> > import pp
> > screen = pygame.display.set_mode((0, 0), pygame.FULLSCREEN)
> > timer = pygame.time.Clock()
> > white = True
> > start = time.time()
> > end = time.time() - start
> > def test1():
> >    global end
> >    global white
> >    while(end<5):
> >      end = time.time() - start
> >      timer.tick(4) #FPS
> >      screen.fill((255,255,255) if white else (0, 0, 0))
> >      white = not white
> >      pygame.display.update()
> > def test2():
> >    global end
> >    while(end<5):
> >      end = time.time() - start
> >      print end
> > ppservers = ()
> > job_server = pp.Server(ppservers=ppservers)
> > print "Starting pp with", job_server.get_ncpus(), "workers"
> > job1 = job_server.submit(test1())
> > job2 = job_server.submit(test2())
> > result = job1()
> > result2 = job2()
> > print "Counting...", result2
> > job_server.print_stats()
> > test1() works as expected (job1) but test2() doesn't work and I get
> > the following traceback ;
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >    File "fl.py", line 33, in<module>
> >      job1 = job_server.submit(test1())
> >    File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pp.py", line 458, in submit
> >      sfunc = self.__dumpsfunc((func, ) + depfuncs, modules)
> >    File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pp.py", line 629, in
> > __dumpsfunc
> >      sources = [self.__get_source(func) for func in funcs]
> >    File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pp.py", line 696, in
> > __get_source
> >      sourcelines = inspect.getsourcelines(func)[0]
> >    File "/usr/lib/python2.6/inspect.py", line 678, in getsourcelines
> >      lines, lnum = findsource(object)
> >    File "/usr/lib/python2.6/inspect.py", line 519, in findsource
> >      file = getsourcefile(object) or getfile(object)
> >    File "/usr/lib/python2.6/inspect.py", line 441, in getsourcefile
> >      filename = getfile(object)
> >    File "/usr/lib/python2.6/inspect.py", line 418, in getfile
> >      raise TypeError('arg is not a module, class, method, '
> > TypeError: arg is not a module, class, method, function, traceback,
> > frame, or code object
> > Error is related to test1 not having an argument.  When I leave it
> > empty as following ;
> > job1 = job_server.submit(test1,())
> > test1 doesn't run. When I do ;
> > job1 = job_server.submit(test1())
> > Display works but I get;
> > TypeError: arg is not a module, class, method, function, traceback,
> > frame, or code object (complete traceback same as above).
> > And test2 doesn't work also. But when I do;
> > job1 = job_server.submit(test1,())
> > job2 = job_server.submit(test2())
> > I get test2 working but test1 not working. Obviously related to
> > argument arrangement in submit.
> Hi,
> I've never used pygame or Parallel Python, but I played around with the
> code you provided and did one of my favorite debugging techniques...I
> printed things out and read the output.
> So one thing I did was printed the globals before the function
> definitions and inside test1().  Which the first print shows what I
> expect from calling "print globals()", then inside test1() I only get
> functions, modules, and a few other things.  So I checked the pp
> documentation and found this about the globals keyword:
>      globals - dictionary from which all modules, functions and classes
> It also handles imports funny because I tried doing "from pprint import
> pprint" and it couldn't find it properly even though that's a function
> (it couldn't find a class that that function uses).  So I think you'll
> have to pass things in as arguments or a dependency functions as others
> have suggested.  There is also a 'modules' keyword that you can provide
> names of modules to import, which might help.  And is there a reason you
> need to use Parallel Python and can't use something more simple like
> python's "multiprocessing" or the classic "os.fork()"?  I understand
> that Parallel Python can run on remote servers in parallel...but how
> complicated is your program going to be?
> I got the following to work (not sure if its what you want):
> ###
> import pp
> def test1():
>      start = time.time()
>      end = time.time() - start
>      screen = pygame.display.set_mode((0, 0), pygame.FULLSCREEN)
>      timer = pygame.time.Clock()
>      white = True
>      while(end<5):
>          end = time.time() - start
>      timer.tick(4) #FPS
>      screen.fill((255,255,255) if white else (0, 0, 0))
>      white = not white
>      pygame.display.update()
> def test2():
>      start = time.time()
>      end2= time.time() - start
>      while(end2<5):
>          end2 = time.time() - start
>      print end2
> ppservers = ()
> job_server = pp.Server(ppservers=ppservers)
> job1 = job_server.submit(test1, modules=("pygame","time"))
> job2 = job_server.submit(test2, modules=("time",))
> result = job1()
> result2 = job2()
> print  result2
> job_server.print_stats()
> ###
> However, I don't know if this will always work the way you want it to,
> depending on how you setup your Parallel Python servers.  By that I
> mean, if you run this on any machine that isn't local, I think it will
> try to connect to that remote display when getting the pygame "screen".
> But again, I've never used pygame.  And this was also a quick throw
> together, so you could probably pass in "start" and stuff like that so
> that it doesn't have to be calculated both times.
> Summary: Parallel Python doesn't handle global variables in a normal way
> (it doesn't like things that aren't functions, modules, or classes)
> so...don't use globals.  Let me know if any of that didn't make sense.
> -Dave
> P.S. If anyone has any other results I would be curious to hear.


That's correct, parallel python has an unusual way of handling
functions but it's actually very simple compared to the work it's
doing. It also *may* be some buggy because it doesn't get globals()
frequently thus one should do globals().update at necessary lines.Also
weirdly, it doesn't require to point to pygame. Following works as
expected ;

ppservers = ()
job_server = pp.Server(ppservers=ppservers)
job1 = job_server.submit(test1, args=(), globals=globals())
job2 = job_server.submit(test2, args=(), globals=globals())
result = job1()
result2 = job2()

Thank you for the productive reply.

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