On 01/06/2012 03:04 AM, Andres Soto wrote:
Please, see my comments between your lines. Thank you very much for
your explanation!
*From:* Lie Ryan <lie.1...@gmail.com>
*To:* python-list@python.org
*Sent:* Thursday, January 5, 2012 2:30 AM
*Subject:* Re: a little help
On 01/05/2012 11:29 AM, Andres Soto wrote:
> my mistake is because I have no problem to do that using Prolog which
> use an interpreter as Python. I thought that the variables in the
> global memory space (associated with the command line
environment) were
> kept, although the code that use it could change.
> As you explain me, Python behave like a compiled language: any time I
> make a change in the code, I have to "compile" it again, and
re-run (and
> re-load the data). There is nothing to do.
it is usually trivial to redefine state-free functions, you just
need to copy and paste the new code into the shell.
&&&yes, I am already using that, but I thought that maybe there were
a more elegant way. In Prolog, you just have to reload the code and
nothing happens with the global variables
Alternative to copy pasting is to reload the module; but that comes with
the caution that the old function/class definition may still be lying
around in the global namespace if you imported them into your global
namespace, so you had to either restrict yourself to using
class/function using the module namespace or you had to remember to
reimport them into your global namespace. You also need to be careful if
you passes a module function as callbacks, as the callback will not be
automatically replaced with the new definition.