On Dec 25 2011, 2:58 pm, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> wrote:
> On 12/24/2011 6:49 PM,SpencerPearsonwrote:
> > On Dec 23, 9:13 am, Terry Reedy<tjre...@udel.edu>  wrote:
> >> On 12/22/2011 3:21 AM,SpencerPearsonwrote:
> >>> I'm writing a geometry package, with Points and Lines and Circles and
> >>> so on, and eventually I want to be able to draw these things on the
> >>> screen. I have two options so far for how to accomplish this, but
> >>> neither of them sits quite right with me, and I'd like the opinion of
> >>> comp.lang.python's wizened elders.
> >>> Option 1. Subclassing.
> >>> The most Pythonic way would seem to be writing subclasses for the
> >>> things I want to display, adding a ".draw(...)" method to each one,
> >>> like this:
> There are people who would advocate a Drawable base class with a virtual
> or abstract .draw method and that DrawablePoint, etc, inherit from
> Drawable and Point.
> >>> Option 2. A "draw" function, with a function dictionary.
> >> Option 3? Add a draw method to existing classes, rather than subclassing?
> > Thanks for the response! Do you mean something like this?
> > class Point(GeometricObject):
> >      def intersect(self, other):
> >          ...
> I am interpreting this to mean that you have a world coordinate system
> for instances that have location and size.
> >      def union(self, other):
> >          ...
> >      def draw(self, ...):
> >          ...
> Yes. I would consider that Option 0, the default, unless you have good
> reason to choose another. I would certainly include it on a list of options.
> > I'd like to avoid this, because... well, what I want is a geometry
> > package, and it seems to me that whistles and bells like GUI support
> > ought to be confined to subpackages. I'd look at this and think, "the
> > rest of the Point class deals with fundamental geometric reality.
> > What's this GUI method doing mixed in with my beautiful mathematical
> > purity?"
> By default, all Python objects have a text representation method. I do
> not see that giving all concrete geometric objects (with a location and
> size) a visual representation is much different. I would use drawing
> functions that accept the coordinates and distances of your geometry
> world and translate to low-level pixel functions for a particular gui
> system. I agree that your geometrical objects should not know about
> pixels, screens, windows, and aspect ratios.
>  > Is this the wrong attitude to take?
> It depends on *your* goal and values.
> > Or did you mean this?
> > In file "geometry/gui.py":
> > def draw_point(point, ...):
> >      ...
> > Point.draw = draw_point
> > I've never modified an existing class before, and I fear the
> > unfamiliar. If that's what you meant... it's really an acceptable
> > thing to do?
> Yes, in my opinion. The advantage of this is putting all the draw
> methods together, and possibly having more than one one set. On the
> other hand, one needs to know the data attributes of each class to
> understand its draw method.
> > It seems like somebody might see "some_point.draw(...)"
> > and be confused by the method's absence in the Point class definition.
> With either suboption, you should put an abstract .draw method in the
> GeometricObject base class.
> I would look at various game, graph, geometry, and gui packages handle
> drawing for more ideas.
> --
> Terry Jan Reedy

(I'm sorry for my delayed response -- I've been travelling and not had
reliable Internet access.)

On 2011-12-25, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> wrote:
> There are people who would advocate a Drawable base class with a virtual
> or abstract .draw method and that DrawablePoint, etc, inherit from
> Drawable and Point.

Yes... yes, that makes sense to me.

> By default, all Python objects have a text representation method. I do
> not see that giving all concrete geometric objects (with a location and
> size) a visual representation is much different. I would use drawing
> functions that accept the coordinates and distances of your geometry
> world and translate to low-level pixel functions for a particular gui
> system. I agree that your geometrical objects should not know about
> pixels, screens, windows, and aspect ratios.

Ha! Oh, I've been being silly. I was going to claim that since there
is no standard Python GUI, I ought not chain myself to any one of the
candidates. Then I learned that Tkinter comes standard with Python.

All right, now that I know that, the comparison to having a text
representation seems very reasonable. I'll definitely reconsider
making the draw() method a requirement for all GeometricObjects.

>> I've never modified an existing class before, and I fear the
>> unfamiliar. If that's what you meant... it's really an acceptable
>> thing to do?
> Yes, in my opinion. The advantage of this is putting all the draw
> methods together, and possibly having more than one one set. On the
> other hand, one needs to know the data attributes of each class to
> understand its draw method.
>> It seems like somebody might see "some_point.draw(...)"
>> and be confused by the method's absence in the Point class definition.
> With either suboption, you should put an abstract .draw method in the
> GeometricObject base class.

Sure, sure. I'm comfortable with this way of doing things now. Thanks
so much for all your help!


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