Ian Kelly wrote:
I'm not sure it's true that "there are no plans to do so in the
foreseeable future."  According to the release notes from Python 3.0,
% formatting was supposed to be deprecated in Python 3.1.

Eric Smith wrote (from a thread on pydev in 02-2011):
> The last thread on this I have a reference to was in September 2009. I
> think was basically the outcome:
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2009-September/092399.html
> So there will be no deprecation, just a gradual shift to PEP 3101
> formatting.

Ian Kelly wrote:
Maybe there was a discussion on py-dev
where it was decided that % formatting would not be deprecated after
all (in which case the misleading "obsolete" note really ought to be
removed from the documentation).

Agreed that this is a documentation bug.

Ian Kelly wrote:
The reason for deprecating it is because Python currently has no fewer
than three mechanisms for string formatting (not even including
ordinary string concatenation), which according to the Zen of Python
is two too many.

"one obvious way" != "only one way"


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