On Dec 27 2011, 8:01 pm, Eelco <hoogendoorn.ee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But I consider it a reasonable change for a
> 'python 4', or whatever the next major version change will be called.

You do realise there were 8 years between 2 & 3? You might be waiting
for quite some time.

Conversely, you could pitch in behind Rick Johnson's Python 4000 fork,
I sure it's progressing nicely given how long Rick has been talking it

> Writing a code-conversion tool to convert from *args to args::tuple
> would be quite easy indeed.

You might want to ask people maintaining libraries in both 2.x & 3.x
via 2to3 just how well that's working out for them. If the impact of
changes was trivially obvious, the programming landscape would look
very different indeed.


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