On Thu, Dec 29, 2011 at 6:22 PM, Merwin <merwin....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to work with PyQt / PySide, but there is a small problem :
> methods arguments are not completed by IDE's autocompletion.
> When, typing "PySide.", I correctly get the module's attributes, but when I
> want to see what arguments are expected to a constructor / method, all I get
> is *args, **kwargs.
> I perfectly understand why this happen, but do you know a way to get around
> this ?
> I spend more time looking for arguments in Qt's documentation than
> effectively programming, which is a problem :-/

In PyDev you can use a .api file (the same from QScintilla) to be used
for the code-completion. Take a look at:
http://pydev.org/manual_101_interpreter.html for details (I know it's
available for PyQt, but I'm not sure about PySide, but if it's not,
maybe it can be requested for the PySide guys).



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