I'm writing a small application that plays sound through the speakers. The sounds are juste sine waves of arbitrary frequency I create in the code, not sample .wav files.
I didn't expect the choice for an audio library to be that complicated. There are several libraries, and none of them seems to be *the* reference. Searching the web, I found these resources : http://wiki.python.org/moin/Audio http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonInMusic * I privileged ALSA to OSS as I read elsewhere that OSS is deprecated, or on its way to be. (And JACK is not widely installed, apart from specific applications (audio work).) * Then, I picked the alsaaudio library (http://pyalsaaudio.sourceforge.net/). I don't remember exactly why. I think the project had the most recent updates. I don't think any project claims to be (let alone aims at being) complete. I'm wondering if I made a sensible choice. There are other libraries, including the following two that are platform independent : * PyAudiere (http://pyaudiere.org/), OSS , not packaged for debian * PyAudio (http://people.csail.mit.edu/hubert/pyaudio/) What solution would you recommend ? Are there other criterions I should take into account ? Thanks. -- Jérôme -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list