I have kind of special question when extening python with C++
implemented modules.

I try to implement a class, behaving also like an array. And I need
to implement slice-getters. I implemented PySequenceMethods.sq_slice
to get "simple" slices like:


It works perfectly, without problems. But now I have a problem when
need to access the array with "special" slices, like:

myobj[::-1]  # to revert the array

I would like to ask which method must be implemented to get this 
"special" slice getters. The "simple" slice
PySequenceMethods.sq_slice getter accepts only two indexes - from,
to, but not a step (which would solve the issue).

Thank you very much for your ansver, best regards
Dan T.

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I have kind of special question when extening python with C++ implemented modules.

I try to implement a class, behaving also like an array. And I need to implement slice-getters. I implemented PySequenceMethods.sq_slice to get "simple" slices like:


It works perfectly, without problems. But now I have a problem when need to access the array with "special" slices, like:


   myobj[::-1]  # to revert the array


I would like to ask which method must be implemented to get this "special" slice getters. The "simple" slice PySequenceMethods.sq_slice getter accepts only two indexes - from, to, but not a step (which would solve the issue).  

Thank you very much for your ansver, best regards

Dan T. 


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