On Mon, 26 Dec 2011 06:52:03 -0800, Rick Johnson wrote:

> If Guido would just say something (or at least some of the top
> Pythionistas (Hettinger i am looking at you!)) this community might work
> together to fix this problem.
The sheer cluelessness displayed here about open source is painful.

If Guido would "just say something", this community would yawn. He's not 
the boss of us. Python development is an all-volunteer effort. "The 
community" works on projects that we find interesting, or that we need 
ourselves, not just because Guido "says something" about it -- and 
certainly not projects that you demand we work on.

Instead of demanding that GvR order us to work on IDLE, put your money 
where your mouth is, Rick, and stop being a blow-hard. You've been 
nagging us about IDLE for long enough -- what is it now, two years? 
Three? I haven't been counting, but it feels like geological ages.

Start a project to fix IDLE. There is plenty of free hosting on the 
Internet for open source projects, like GitHub and Google Code Hosting. 
Track some bugs. Plan some concrete enhancements. Write some actual code. 
Demonstrate actual effort, and you may attract others who care. 
Otherwise, you're wasting our time.


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