I playing around with streaming shoutcast mp3s.

Here is some sample code:
import httplib

# Put together the headers
headers = {"Icy-MetaData":"1"}

con = httplib.HTTPConnection('', 8000)
con.request("GET", "/")
stream = con.getresponse()
print stream.status,stream.reason
print stream.read()

For which i get error:

bash-2.05b$ ./woxy_saver.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./woxy_saver.py", line 21, in ?
    print stream.read()
  File "C:\python24\lib\httplib.py", line 463, in read
    s = self._safe_read(self.length)
  File "C:\python24\lib\httplib.py", line 545, in _safe_read
    chunk = self.fp.read(amt)
  File "C:\python24\lib\httplib.py", line 1273, in read
    return s + self._file.read(amt - len(s))
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'

It seems somehow amt is turning into a str.

Is this a bug in httplib.py or there something wrong with my code?

- Haz


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