Hi all,

I have a text file containing such data ;

        A                B                C
-2.0100e-01    8.000e-02    8.000e-05
-2.0000e-01    0.000e+00   4.800e-04
-1.9900e-01    4.000e-02    1.600e-04

But I only need Section B, and I need to change the notation to ;

8.000e-02 = 0.08
0.000e+00 = 0.00
4.000e-02 = 0.04

Text file is approximately 10MB in size. I looked around to see if
there is a quick and dirty workaround but there are lots of modules,
lots of options.. I am confused.

Which module is most suitable for this task ?

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