Rami Chowdhury wrote:
On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 16:56, Ulrich Eckhardt
<ulrich.eckha...@dominolaser.com> wrote:
To be extra safe or in more complicated scenarios, I could wrap this in a
try-except and explicitly close those that were already created, but
normally I'd expect the garbage collector to do that for me ... or am I then
implicitly assuming a specific implementation?
I'm no expert but I believe the basic garbage collection behavior is
part of the language, and it's only details of breaking cycles that
are specific to CPython -- can anyone correct me if I'm wrong?
Garbage collection is part of the language, but how, and when, is
implementation specific.
Resource management (beyond basic memory allocation) should be handled
directly. Python 3 encourages this by complaining if there were still
open files when it shuts down.