Sorry, I wasn't meaning to imply support for the syntax proposal.  Just 
reacting to the (seemingly unrelated) comment that a customer with foolish 
access policies would not be worthy of your business.  Only because I've been 
in the situation of having to provide remote support to major customers with 
similar absurd policies :-)

On Dec 19, 2011, at 8:10 PM, Joshua Landau wrote:

> On 20 December 2011 00:30, Roy Smith <> wrote:
> In article <>,
>  Andrew Berg <> wrote:
> > But what about the example he gave about being logged into a customer's
> > machine with only ed available? I suppose such fools would not be worthy
> > of your business.
> The customer is always right.  Especially when the support contract is
> big enough to make or break your quarter.
> --
> This whole conversation is ridiculous. Do we really want a syntax that's 
> worse just to satisfy the 1/10,000 cases* where someone will be using ed or 
> notepad?
> Correct Answer: no.
> * Probably less, as I use vim many_times_a_day * many_days_a_year - and even 
> less if we consider that no-one'll be doing as much coding in an hour of ed 
> as in an hour of <better_editor>

Roy Smith


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