Re: What is different with Python ?

from my point of view, to be honest, nothing
except mixing a well spiced soup of what
was available within other programming

I think, that what currently makes a real
difference is not the language as such,
but the people using it, posting here and
writing new modules for it.

I can imagine, that with becoming more
popular and less supported by the
core development team (following a
special kind of programming philosophy
called "Pythonic way" of approaching
things) this can change, so I can only hope,
that this won't happen.

Don't ask _me_ what "Pythonic way" is -
I think, you have to feel it yourself in order to
understand it (I haven't yet seen any definition
of it different from what is already also known
from other programming languages, but maybe
someone can provide it?).

by the way: I see a contradiction between
> - 1) I do not consider my intelligence/education above average
> - 5) I have developed for many years (>18) in many different environments,
> languages, and O/S's (including realtime kernels) .
because - 5) is the story many of programmers choosing Python
as a tool or programming language of their choice went through
and because of the fact you are here asking that question.


"Philippe C. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> I apologize in advance for launching this post but I might get enlightment
> somehow (PS: I am _very_ agnostic ;-).
> - 1) I do not consider my intelligence/education above average
> - 2) I am very pragmatic
> - 3) I usually move forward when I get the gut feeling I am correct
> - 4) Most likely because of 1), I usually do not manage to fully explain
> when it comes true.
> - 5) I have developed for many years (>18) in many different environments,
> languages, and O/S's (including realtime kernels) .
> Yet for the first time I get (most) of my questions answered by a language
> did not know 1 year ago.
> As I do try to understand concepts when I'm able to, I wish to try and
> out why Python seems different.
> Having followed this newsgroup for sometimes, I now have the gut feeling
> (see 3)) other people have that feeling too.
> Quid ?
> Regards,
> Philippe


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