(some, very, long, list, of, variable, names, to, get, the, stuff, unpacked, into) = function_that_should_return_a_14_tuple()
raises ValueError: too many values to unpack Quick, what's the bug? Did I forget a variable on the LHS, or is my function returning more things than it should? I know it's supposed to be 14, but I don't know which side is wrong. Had it said "... expected 13, got 14", I would know immediately. Error messages should be as explicit as possible. It's just like bug reports. The basic mantra of a bug report is: 1) This is what I did 2) This is what I expected to happen 3) This is what I observed happen 4) This is how what I observed differed from what I expected Saying, "expected X, got Y" is more explicit than "got too many" -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list