On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 9:55 PM, Travis Parks <jehugalea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been thinking about compiling into a
> language like C++ or C instead of assembler for my first time through.

Yep, or any other language you feel like using as an intermediate. Or
alternatively, just start with an interpreter - whatever's easiest.
Compiling to C gives you a massive leg-up on portability; so does
writing an interpreter in C, as either way your language is easily
made available on every platform that gcc's been ported to.

As long as you're happy with the idea of building a massively language
that'll never be used by anybody but yourself, you can have immense
fun with this. And hey, Unit might turn out to be a beautiful niche
language, or even go mainstream.

But mainly, you'll have fun doing it. And if you're not having fun,
what's the use of living forever? (Oh wait, you're not a vampire from
Innistrad. Sorry about that.)


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