"W. eWatson" <wolftra...@invalid.com> writes:

> One thing I think no one has offered is whether their installation of
> 2.7.2 has the same IDLE oddity that I've described.  That is, if you
> right-click on a py file, do you see a choice for the IDLE editor?

I don't have 2.7.2, but my Windows (7, 32 bit) machine has 3.2 installed
and also 2.6.6 included in Python(x,y) distribution.

Right clicking on a .py has, under Open with, the choices GNU
Emacsclient (my choice for editing), python.exe and pythonw.exe. No

I was able to add idle to the menu it by clicking "Choose default
program" in the menu and pointing that to idle.bat.

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