On 11/21/2011 11:21 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
On Mon, 21 Nov 2011 08:39:37 -0800, "W. eWatson"
<wolftra...@invalid.com> declaimed the following in
My criterion for success is that it puts IDLE as a choice for editor on
the menu produced with a right-click on a py file. So far no response on
this has solved the problem.
I know it sets up that way on a 2.5 and 2.4 on other PCs I have.
I have three computers here:
-=-=-=-=-=- Desktop
WinXP Pro 32-bit, 3.4GHz hyper-threaded P4
ActiveState ActivePython (Python 2.5.2)
All of the above use ActiveState. I use whatever the Python organization
provides on their download site. I would not expect the two to compare.
So, out of two generations of 32-bit Python 2.5, and 64 and 32 bit
versions of Python 2.7, on three computers, NONE of mine have a
right-click option for IDLE.
I do know that IDLE appears on the Win 7 Start menu, but, when used,
nothing happens. Well, OK, for about 3 seconds the Win 7 "working" icon
spins around then zip, nothing. Further, right-clicking on Properties
of IDLE (GUI) produces a tabbed dialog. It shows Start in:
c:\Python32\, and None for shortcut. There is a compatibility tab,
But what does it show for TARGET!
c:\Python32 Start in, and for Target: Python 3.2.2 (64-bit)
For the shortcut C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start
Going directly to ...\Lib\idlelib\idle.pyw produces the spinning icon.
At least, that's what happens in 3.2.2, but in the 32-bit versions I
tried, I would get "invalid Win 32 app".
Possibly because you are trying to start a 32-bit version with a
default "open" for .pyw files that runs the 64-bit Python.exe; so the
DLLs are mixed architecture.
3.2.2 is 64-bit.
Some have suggested a registry problem, but I don't have a clue how to
play with that, or somehow clean it up, if there is a problem. My PC
behaves normally
Since none of your problems appear to be related to Python itself,
but rather to the Windows configuration of the Python system, I'd have
to disagree.
I'm using Win 7 Premium.
Home, Pro, Ultimate (or whatever the top level is?