This is what seems like an odd bug, but in code I'd thing often-enough used it must be the expected behavior and I just don't understand. Please, sirs/mesdames, is this a bug?
Example code: ---------------- begin code ------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python """ @-character WTF? """ import sys import os import logging, logging.handlers import socket log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fmtColon = logging.Formatter('[%(module)s:%(lineno)03d]:%(message)s') strC = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log') strC.setFormatter(fmtColon) strC.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) log.addHandler(strC) fmtAt = logging.Formatter('[%(module)s@%(lineno)03d]:%(message)s') strA = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log') strA.setFormatter(fmtAt) strA.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) log.addHandler(strA)"My log message:isn't it special?") ---------------- end code ---------------- produces these entries in the syslog messages: ---------------- begin results ---------------------- Nov 21 16:09:56 crmartin [atSign: 026]:My log message:isn't it special? Nov 21 16:09:56 crmartin [atSign@026]: My log message:isn't it special? ---------------- end results ------------------------ Observe: * in the first entry, "[atSign: 026]:My" with space after the first ":"; that space isn't in the format string. * in the second entry "[atSign@026]: My" again has an additional space after the first ":" the colons following are unchanged. This **seems** like it must be some obscure bug, but perhaps it's some undocumented feature? --